Archive for November, 2023

350. No palms

Driven by anger
That is also fear 
And imprisoned
By the ghostly image
Of his father
The little boy
Salutes his heroes
With his hands
That have no palms.

There is a new free online magazine, Created in Spain, about vegetarianism and conscious living. They are making the first issue. I like the idea and am posting here some text from them, which includes a link to the website, in case you are interested. They also have a book club and other interesting ideas. The text is about a short video competition that they are holding now. Here is their text:

Awards Love & Light for Animals. 1rst. Edition.
In a common goal, eradicating cruelty on earth, everyone can do their bit. Our campaign is a grain of sand, which we hope supports this desire common to almost the vast majority of humans. Cruelty is not only unnecessary but also avoidable. Not only among humans themselves but for the beings with whom we share the earth. Everyone can adapt it to their belief, religion or simply free spirit.
In this First Edition, bravely supported by the UVE, we dedicate it to the Sanctuaries that are doing great work, often anonymous and with few or no resources, except unconditional love.
Watch full article in

349. How to disappear

In the previous entry I placed the wrong title by mistake. Above is the right title for the previous entry. Sorry.

348. No palms

The houses on the hills
Played with one another
In the sun

The leafless tree
Created drama
With the sky

The stones made a lake
With their tears
To get themselves reflected in it

And the little cloud
Taught them all how
To drift away and disappear.


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The healing process

Entries 1-58 show how I use the method of Intuition Through Art to heal myself from Peripheral Neuropathy.
