Archive for January, 2013

141. Flying is daring

I came to my desk at around 5AM again. I made the drawing that you see here. I wrote what parts of the drawing conveyed to me. I scrambled the sentences and rewrote them in a new order. I read. It did not make much sense to me, so I left it on the desk, to see it in the morning.

In the morning I immediately saw that it was a very coherent advice from my intuition. I want to show you how these things work, because you can do it too. Maybe at first it will feel strange and untrustworthy. But as you do this more times you will start seeing that it never fails to deliver something of importance, assisting you on your path. I am not the only one who has a guide inside of him. Everybody has. Listening to this guidance, you know that you are never alone. You know that you are loved. Basically you realize there is no problem anywhere. There is only your free will, choosing to allow the flow of who-you-are, or resisting it.

Trees do not think

Trees do not think

Be very forceful and decisive now

Thinking is like flying to places

It is hard to hold all this in your head

Look at your neighbor the tree

This is the way the air goes through it

The pipe is open and listening

And remember:

Flying is daring.

Now if you look at the drawing you’ll see the little tree near the base, in yellow.

The flesh color part, as if turning toward something, which is outside and being strong and with a specific intension, made me write the first line.

The green shape in the upper right, made me write about flying.

The violet and the dark pink, looking like a living thing breathing, made me write about the pipe, open and listening.

The circle in the upper middle part of the drawing made me think about a head that carries everything.

The flying part brought another sentence about thinking as flying.

The light blue little balloon-like shape, under the head and slightly to the left, made me write the sentence about air.

The tree is a being that has no thoughts to block the flow of what-it-is.

Now when I read the poem, this is what comes to me from the reading:

I am still in the process of healing. It has gone well. Maybe it is the last step. I have to be decisive and keep my focus on being healthy.

My thoughts will take me where I want to go. They will fly me, as it came in the original sentences.

It is hard to do all this from the head, meaning through thoughts of the limited “I”.

This part knows only about differences among things. If you want to go west, thoughts about the east will come up too and the two directions will have to fight with each other. The fighting makes you tired and you lose the focus.

The only way to do it right is through the heart, meaning, opening your mental and emotional being to become a non-resisting pipe, to allowing who-you-truly-are flow through you. This flow, if not hindered, is the solution to everything. It always has a focus and since health is inherent in it, it will bring health, if you want it.

The daring has to do with trusting the unknown to guide you.

When you see in your experience that the unknown loves you and can guide you if you are willing to be guided by it, the trusting becomes easier. The daring becomes a habit.

140. All is good now

The strong air taking over

The strong air taking over

And now not going anywhere

Dead body is struggling

Against the beautiful

I’d say he’s scared

He’s sweet too

And light

But doesn’t know it

Who is breaking and falling apart

Becoming brittle?

Does the beauty break?

Or is it the strong air taking over?

Disappearing is the struggling body

Just as it was going up

To better places

All is good now

Only pleasure.

139. Walking in the rain is the right thing to do

I sat at my desk at 5 in the morning. I slept well till then and it made a big difference.

As I made the lines in this drawing I knew that I was very patient and that I listened to every line as it was made. There was no decision about where the line would go until it went, and I would change direction in the middle of a movement if I felt that this was the truth of the moment. I felt very clearly when it was time to end and I did not touch the drawing any more after that.

I looked at every color and collected the sentences that came to me when I looked at them. I mixed the sentences and fixed them a little until they made sense.

This is not new. I just wanted to say these things to those who came late to this blog. It is a process of looking in and connecting with intuition, to see what is going on in my subconscious or the dream state. The dream state always goes on, even when we do not dream consciously. It has a mixture of programs that are active now in the subconscious and can be released, plus ideas in support of our growth and expansion. If we listen to it, we always benefit. It is the place where our life is being created, the factory of manifesting. Everything that we see there while being in this deeper, intuitive state that enables the seeing is being released, just by having been seen. Its power to create ends. We create less and become simpler.

Being simpler means that we have less filters in our subconscious and allow the truth to come to us both from the word and from within. When it comes from within, this is intuition.

Here is the drawing I made:

Trees upside down in th rain

Trees upside down in the rain

And these are the words, after some playing with them:

Though forms of the non physical

Argue very softly and transparently

That nothing is real

Blood pouring softly as curtains

Is just a story

That does not want to leave

The fact that the trees went upside down

And the sun is coming as showers

Shows that every thing

Comes to bless

Everything else

Memories of wet mud

Are just eternity speaking

Walking in the rain

Is the right thing to do.


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The healing process

Entries 1-58 show how I use the method of Intuition Through Art to heal myself from Peripheral Neuropathy.
