Archive for November, 2016

248. A second reading

from entry 245

Painting from entry 245

What else can we see in this painting?

The colors in the architectural area on the right side are warm and feel comfortable with each other.

The colors in the man are colder and more contrasting with each other.

Can it be that the man is somewhat conflicted, and maybe feels that he is leaving a comfortable place by being attracted to the unknown?

The man’s interest is somewhere in the left, outside of the painting. But he is seated. We do not see him going to the left. Can it be that he hesitates?

There is a lot of activity in the drawing layer. Can it be that a lot of thinking is going on?

And yet there is in the painting the clarity of seeing what is going on. And when there is that depth of seeing that happens because there is an identification with the flow of intuition, we know that a change will come soon. Seeing from a deeper state, which is what awareness is, releases the shallower layer to start moving. And because the state of awareness is a feeling better state, the next state to appear will adjust itself to the better feeling awareness by being a better feeling state.

You see? This is the power of awareness. This is why awareness is so good for us. Just being aware, or seeing from a deeper layer of ourselves, changes us for the better. Better here means feeling better. Isn’t feeling better better?

247. For this time


In some place

Like in so many others

For this moment

The plant is attached to the tip of the world


The balance of flat and broken and empty

Of dots and leaves and feathers

Depends on

One very thin line


In a way that is unknown to us

The open chord of feathers in the moving air

Is perfect

For those who also like dots on a white surface


This is a rock

For children

Who make rocks and plants

From dreams.

246. I just stopped


I just stopped at some point

There was no point in going on

The message was in how it could go on


245.From dense to airy


I’m reading this picture, based on its composition. This will be a preliminary reading. I’ll point out a few obvious things and see what I can gather from this. It is possible to read much more in the picture, and maybe I’ll do this in the next entry.

It has two layers, as many of my paintings lately. The drawing layer has three areas. The right side has many architectural shapes. It is organized in mostly perpendicular and horizontal directions, with a few diagonals, that you can find in architecture too.

The left side has shapes that are more organic. The shapes are free from the straight angles of the right side and they grow into each other. The third area is where there is no drawing, or only little short lines that seem to float in space. That’s where there is less density and more freedom.

The pencil lines, those that define the colored areas, go on top of the watercolor lines. In this way they create some confusion, because the colors inside of the pencil lines are all underneath the ochre lines of the drawing. This contradictory message creates a strong connection of the background shapes and the drawing, indicating that the two layers are very close to each other and depend on each other to tell the story of the picture. And it is hard to decide what is more important or primary.

The color shapes in the right side go along with the feeling of architecture or a city. The color shapes on the left go along with the feeling of an organic shape, something that is alive and moving. It is like a person in a sitting position. His two hands are extended to the far left, and it seems that he is doing something outside of the picture.

And there is indeed space around the person and the part of the city that we see. Some smaller shapes float there, breaking the density of the city and the man and giving the picture some places with less tension to rest in.

So the focus of the man is in the more spacious area. That’s what he is interested in.

Basically we have a transition from an area that is densely full of visual events, through more relaxed shapes, that break the straight lines rule, to the beginning of space, into which the smaller pieces of the reality that’s on the right are falling or spreading.

In a shorter way, the picture shows the shift from eventful and intense reality to more peacefulness and freedom.

This is an experience of the now-life that we can read in the basic features of the composition.

If I ask myself where would I want to be, in this picture, the answer is “In all three places.”

I’d like to experience the peace that is outside of the objects, I’d like to experience the richness of the city, and I’d like to experience my body, alive and feeling.

And as I have all three of them at the same time, I can say that I am fulfilled. In this fulfillment there is peace too, till the next interest will catch me.

Isn’t this amazing that from so little you can say so much already?

I do not know what name to give this new chapter. Everything is different for me, and the same. I decide to let the chapter grow and deserve a name, and then it will have it.

244.Closing the door of this chapter and opening the door of the next one.


And today it happened. Today I understood how you can love everything in your earth life, including the suffering. Because you see the beauty of the game that you, the bigger you, has and is still creating.

You are lead into a blind alley that you create and the keys are handed to you. And don’t worry. This is not a contest. The doors will keep appearing. The smells will cross the barriers of the ends of reality. The sun will rise in you, unstoppable. So don’t worry. Take it all in, as this is what you are here for: To take it in and to crack the walls at the same time. And you cannot even say that this reality does not exist.

What becomes clear is the reality of your experiencing and the opening of your expression of the truth.

Maybe this is a nice place to end this part of the blog, and to start a new part. Let’s see where it will go…


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The healing process

Entries 1-58 show how I use the method of Intuition Through Art to heal myself from Peripheral Neuropathy.
