Archive for November, 2012

136. The sun

The sun

The sun

Once I lived on the ancient plains

Many mornings the sun came up

Over the trees

For many lifetimes I walked

To reach the sun

Until the sun came up in me.


135. The greens that look so real

I haven’t written for the blog for a while. I kept drawing every day and reading my drawings. Sometimes I drew more times than in other days. Basically these are all processes that you have seen me doing before. Discovering blockages and dissolving them, expressing experiences of expanded states, asking intuition and getting answers.

Doing this process is the best thing I have ever done in my life. And I have done a lot before this. I illustrated more than 40 children’s books, I wrote three of them. I know I have helped many people change their lives for the better, I raised three children, I showed my art, I got lost in making art silk screen prints until my money ended, I left New York for two and a half months when I had an exhibition in Germany and when I came back I lost all my illustration clients and changed my career. A few of my illustrations are still going around the world with an exhibition of political illustrations done for INX. I had spiritual experiences and spent twelve years in intense meditation. I did a lot more. I went back to school to study art therapy at age 58, I presented my method of using intuition through art in conferences and in some cases people were so moved that they had tears in their eyes.  I know I have already done a lot. But this, taking care of my own development through using my own method, has been the best thing I have ever done. This has deepened my understanding of myself and of others and made me into a much better therapist or healer. I discovered my ability to read people from far and know what to do to help them. And I am still learning. All this burst of growth in my late sixties came from this work that I am doing on myself. This work is my meditation, my prayer, my connection to the truth, my expansion.

I am so sure about the strength and benefits of this method that I am now making arrangements for teaching it to people who are interested in using it for themselves and for helping others. It works much better than traditional psychotherapy. I have already started teaching it to a few.

The following picture and poem are just where I am today.

The greens that look so real

The greens that look so real

The greens that appear so real

Are the children of thoughts

The lovely earth, ploughed with horses

And crops growing

Near the vivid blue

Are all the children of thoughts

Made in the open space

Of eternal love. 


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My Pages

The healing process

Entries 1-58 show how I use the method of Intuition Through Art to heal myself from Peripheral Neuropathy.
