355. Right here

Weeds grow haphazardly in the village
And the village travels like a boat
On the face of history
To reach its destination

Aren’t the weeds distracting to the travel?
And what’s the village’s goal, if not
To travel while the weeds distract?

And why is the goal so far away
Along the waves of words,
And not right here, right now?

354. The last sun of the day

The lines, Connected,
Do they help to move
Or do they hinder?
The dots, white and yellow,
Over brown, grey and ocher,
Are they smooth
Or are they rough like
Stones or broken bones?
The beauty, is it real,
Or is it a dream that we have,
As this person runs through the fields
With the last sun of the day?

353. Can joy live in darkness?

Can joy live in darkness
Where it is dense
With blinding light,
Where clumps of small explosions
Turn around
With menace?

Can I find my true life in chaos?

My life is independent
And pain is happening in it.

352. What will be?

And with children’s joy
They slowly move
With their belongings
In the air.

It is the end of the line,
They think.
What will be the taste
Of empty space
When we are gone?

351. Let the beauty break the heart

The old man
Made himself into an old tree
And sat
On an improvised chair

The old woman
Made herself to be
The leafs that shook and fell
And she was stolen by the winds

All the creatures
Of the forest’s floor
Were born
And then had gotten old

The inner eye
Saw what came and what has gone
and let the beauty of the world
Break the inner heart apart.

350. No palms

Driven by anger
That is also fear 
And imprisoned
By the ghostly image
Of his father
The little boy
Salutes his heroes
With his hands
That have no palms.

There is a new free online magazine, Created in Spain, about vegetarianism and conscious living. They are making the first issue. I like the idea and am posting here some text from them, which includes a link to the website, in case you are interested. They also have a book club and other interesting ideas. The text is about a short video competition that they are holding now. Here is their text:

Awards Love & Light for Animals. 1rst. Edition.
In a common goal, eradicating cruelty on earth, everyone can do their bit. Our campaign is a grain of sand, which we hope supports this desire common to almost the vast majority of humans. Cruelty is not only unnecessary but also avoidable. Not only among humans themselves but for the beings with whom we share the earth. Everyone can adapt it to their belief, religion or simply free spirit.
In this First Edition, bravely supported by the UVE, we dedicate it to the Sanctuaries that are doing great work, often anonymous and with few or no resources, except unconditional love.
Watch full article in

349. How to disappear

In the previous entry I placed the wrong title by mistake. Above is the right title for the previous entry. Sorry.

348. No palms

The houses on the hills
Played with one another
In the sun

The leafless tree
Created drama
With the sky

The stones made a lake
With their tears
To get themselves reflected in it

And the little cloud
Taught them all how
To drift away and disappear.


So, instead of fixing the un-fixable
I go deeper
and find that there is nothing to fix.
This is what I do
when the pain attacks.

346. A new book

Dear friends,

Pain has slowed me down quite a bit. But I continue to paint and write every day. It is my best way to connect with the deeper parts of me, and I do not want to miss any opportunity to do so. But instead of putting the results in the blog, I decided to make a book. The last few entries to the blog, with poems that accompany the paintings, are from the collection that started to gather. 

At some point I thought that I may have enough for a book, and when I counted, I saw that I had many more than I needed. 

I found a painting + poem that seemed like a beginning, and added the 41 next consecutive ones, plus another poem without a painting, and made them into the first book in this series. I wanted to show how you change when you do this kind of process. And the changes are, as you already know from reading this blog, both psychological and spiritual. 

The principle is very simple. It is like meditation. You bring yourself, by painting that relies only on your individual sense of beauty, to a higher vibration, or in normal language, you bring yourself to feel better. This better feeling is more aligned with your true self. Gradually you elevate your usual vibration. Then, naturally, anything that is in any of the levels of your being and is of a lower vibrations, starts to float up to the surface of your life, to be released. Its only way to go is through your awareness of it. The awareness is given through the art and the writing, and doing this, you let go of at least some of the weight of this issue that does not fit in your system any more. Also naturally, the less burden you carry, the more open you become to more refined energies, and in this way you go wider and higher in your getting to know who you really are.


The book is on Amazon. They show a little of the inside, too little to my mind, and the cover. I am going to ask them to add more pages from the inside. You have seen a few examples here, as I said.

By the time I finished designing the book, editing it and preparing for its printing, I added to my pile many more paintings and poems. I am estimating now that there are some 200 more. So it is easy now to make a second book and make it into a series. 

As you have seen in this blog, I believe in evolving through a deeper and deeper connection with our original energy, and you can call it deep joy, deep interest, deep playfulness. You can also call it creativity. It does not require suffering. But suffering comes in the process, when old stuff comes up to be released. When it appears in your being for the time that it needs to be seen with love, a mirror image of the same vibration shows up in your reality. And yes, in these times it may seem like suffering. or it may cause suffering (My pain is such an appearance). But since the method is to be aware of it through the art and the writing, you end up doing something that makes you feel better. 

Here is for your feeling better, in any way that you choose!

Much love to all of you.


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My Pages

The healing process

Entries 1-58 show how I use the method of Intuition Through Art to heal myself from Peripheral Neuropathy.
